Friday, October 8, 2010

Did anyone else think this was a slow week?

Hi all!
Did anyone? I mean I know I was looking forward to tonight all week, I got tickets to the Phillies game! But this week just kept dragging on and on. Finally the weekend is almost here! Only a couple more hours! Anyway, I'm ranting, I'm sure some of you know by now I'm a huge football and baseball fan! Sept and Oct are always my favorite months! Anyway, on to business...

First, I checked in the backoffice, they put up the newsletter and statements. The recent newsletters talk about the new revamped postcards and how well the signups have been at Lotto Magic! I know we had something to do with that! Great job team!!!

Second, the LONGGGGGGGGG awaited Team Lotto Magic message board is up. Check it out at Please make comments ask questions. I started a couple of messages to help get things started. If you have any problems, please let me know, but remember I'm learning about that site just like you are. So I apologize in advance!

Third, a couple of you had asked for info about Google Adwords. I've learned they do not allow gambling sites, so no words like "lottery". I focused on the work from home, home business idea. Of course those keywords are expensive...I allowed Google to "bet" for me, because I wasn't getting anywhere on my own. It turned out each click cost me $3.08. Which I think is high...but I did figure out everyone who "clicked" also left their info on the capture page. And I had 1 Captain sign up immediately and 2 have been emailing with some interest. So I think about it this way...first it was a free $100 from VistaPrint. But even if I spent $100, 1 Power Captain is $50 back already, so within just 2 months I've received back my investment. It's up to you.

Fourth, our winner this week was K0658. As usual, let me know what to do with those bonus signups!

I think that is it! Go Phillies! Sorry if any of you are Reds fans! :)

Have a wonderful weekend!
Robin Smith

P.S. As always this email is also found on the Team Lotto Magic blog at