Friday, April 15, 2011

Check those numbers carefully!

Good morning!
I hope all is well in your area! As always NJ gets a nice day today, but rain tomorrow :( Oh well more Lotto Magic time! :)

Piece of advice...check your lottery numbers carefully! Wednesday I thought we had won big! Not Jackpot - but still big! The winning Powerball numbers were 4-23-39-49-50 Powerball 39. Jimmy a Captain in the downline, has the numbers 4-23-39-49-55-38. As many of you know I keep an Excel spreadsheet of all the numbers and each drawing and perform conditional formatting to see the matching numbers. Apparently I had mistyped and entered Jimmy's Powerball as 39. So he "matched 4 numbers plus the Powerball for $10,000! I got excited and emailed Jimmy's Captain Jules who informed me of my mistake! Whoops!!! Hey we still matched 4 numbers for $100! Good for you Jimmy!

Read this article This poor couple had a similar experience but it wasn't their fault!

So just goes to show you...check carefully!!!

One important thing! Please respond to emails and answer calls. I received 3 calls last night from Lotto Magic prospects who said they haven't received any call backs or emails back. Please! I'm begging you! Why lose people who are interested! By the way I sent all 3 to the team site - and 1 joined last night! :) See it works!

Our winner this week was J9548! Way to go! Past couple weeks it has been close, but this week blew everyone out of the water!

As always let me know how you want them divided!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Robin Smith

P.S. As always you can find or comment on this email at our blog...


Anonymous said...

Sometimes we all make mistake.You should continue to play Lottery games.

Lotto Lottery