Monday, May 3, 2010

Computer down - but still working!

My HP laptop started smoking last week, I've ordered a new Mac, I'm waiting for delivery from China. So in the mean time, I'm still trying to work. Read this...

I just finished listening to a 6-cd training course from a successful May Kay distributor. The five steps involved in signing up a new distributor with this type of network marketing is very complex. It involves a series of steps of qualifying prospects through one-on-one presentations, 3-way phone calls, home meetings and hotel meetings.

There was never a "close" attempted at any time during her 5-step process of recruiting. Only at the hotel meeting was the close attempted and the suggested close was to mention New Distributor Training to get them to sign up now.

"If we get your application submitted today, we can get your New Distributor Training started at our next training session on Saturday!"

Well, it all sounds good, however, I have learned several things after many years in network marketing:
1 - Less than 5% of network marketing distributors will ever present their company to anyone in person.
2 - Less than 20% will ever mention their opportunity to anyone over the phone.
3 - Nobody likes to invite people to meetings (especially when they do not show up).
4 - Not everyone is suitable to be a trainer, yet many companies stress this is the system to use.

So, that brings me to this question: Why do network-marketing companies always stress distributor training when company training would be better?

Why is it better? For one thing, a consistent presentation is always made. Maybe your sponsor is not really qualified to be a trainer. Even worst, maybe they change companies after 3 months and then you don't have a trainer at all!

With company training, you don't have to worry about this problem. After all, if the company stops training, there probably isn't a company any more, so you wouldn't need the training anyway! Plus, company training gives you the latest, up-to-date information every week.

So, that's why company training is better than personal training. And you should be taking advantage of this training by joining Lotto Magic! We offer prospect calls each week at Wednesday 8:00 PM Eastern. Here Mike Caruana will introduce Lotto Magic to your prospects for FREE! AND We offer weekly new member training calls every Wednesday at 8:30 PM Eastern. Each week we begin with a weekly presentation to help the new people you enroll get started quickly. This will help people become acquainted with our company and the systems we have available to help them succeed. This call will thoroughly explain the compensation plan, all of the systems we have available to help you build Lotto Magic, and answer any questions you may have.

With all this training, you will succeed! - More information about Lotto Magic - see